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Home > NDACC Spectral UV Instrument Working Group

NDACC Spectral UV Instrument Working Group

  Long Term Changes in UV
  Attribution of Changes in UV
  UV Sky Radiance Measurement
  UV Effects from Australian Bushfires
Uncertainty Evaluation in Measurement and
    Modeling of UV Irradiance

Health Effects of UV Radiation
Long-Term UV Measurements in Polar Regions
The main aim of the NDACC Spectral UV group is to maintain the highest quality measurements of spectral UV irradiance, and to make them accessible to researchers in order to better understand geographical and temporal differences.
Figure 1 illustrates why spectral measurements, rather than broad band measurements of quantities such as erythemally-weighted irradiances (peaking near 305-310 nm), are required for trend detection.
Figure 1. Sensitivity to ozone change as a function of wavelength

The QA/QC procedures are such that NDACC data represents the state of the art in long term monitoring of spectral UV irradiance. We consider that NDACC spectral data as the “gold standard”.

Our particular interest is in detecting long term changes in UV, and attributing the causes of those changes. Times series of weighted irradiances are archived in the NDACC database. Full spectral data are available from the instrument PIs.
Figure 2. Comparing spectra from UV spectrometers at 3 NDACC sites and one urban site.

DATA REQUIREMENTS: The data requirements for acceptance by NDACC are demanding. Detailed data specifications, and instructions to apply for NDACC acceptance are provided at

The results of inter comparison campaigns are used to understand capabilities and limitations of spectrometer systems before acceptance to NDACC.  See for example:

Bernhard, G., R. L. McKenzie, M. Kotkamp, S. Wood, C. R. Booth, J. C. Ehramjian, P. Johnston, and S. E. Nichol (2008),Comparison of ultraviolet spectroradiometers in Antarctica, J. Geophys. Res., 113, D14310, doi:10.1029/2007JD009489.

Pissulla, D. , Seckmeyer G., Cordero R. R., Blumthaler M., Schallhart B., Webb A., Kift R., Smedley A., Bais A. F., Kouremeti N., Cede A., Herman J., Kowalewski M.: Comparison of different calibration methods to derive spectral radiance as a function of incident and azimuth angle, Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 2009, 8, 516 - 527, DOI: 10.1039/b817018e, 2009.

PUBLICATIONS:  A list of publications from this group is maintained at

Most group interaction is via e-mail, apart from meetings associated with other events.


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